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Sandboxology Programs Details – Imagine Your Possibilities…

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In Sandboxology, there are 3 phases of guided self-evolution. You identify which phase to participate in by where you are called and what you want to accomplish.

Re-connecting with yourself requires clarity, vision, and the ability to execute consistently on the right strategies. Re-connection also requires you to be still, hear your inner voice, and then act on your knowing. This requires patience and courage.

Without a road map or guidance, the process can be overwhelming.

All three Sandboxology programs can fast-track your growth and save you years of expensive trial and error. We’d be honored to work with you.

Who Are The Programs For?

Click on any of the programs below to learn more about the program and for whom it's designed.

What's Next

What’s Next Is A One-To-One Or Group Program For People Who:

  • whats next program roundaboutAre lost and feel there is nothing they can do to change their situation
  • Intuitively know there is something more to life, but don’t know how to “see” or figure out what’s next
  • Are ready to explore dreams or new directions but are confused or fearful
  • Feel dead inside, not connected to self or others, or fear they don’t have the skills or ability to do anything different
  • Dissatisfied with how their dream efforts have turned out
  • Have some “next-step” ideas, but don’t know what to do with them
  • Want to find a community of like-minded searchers
  • Want to overcome underDREAMINGTM

What’s Next Will Help You:

  • Understand yourself more and explore options to identify a clear direction for the next stage of your life
  • Access enlightening tools, systems, and resources
  • Connect with a like-minded community
  • Experience expert advice from a guide who has been there and done that
  • Learn new skills / tools / resources to deal with old challenges
  • Begin to change negative, self-defeating patterns
  • Create new empowering habits
  • Learn how to mitigate fear and anxiety
  • Identify some ways to live a more meaningful life
  • Participate in a one-stop resource for learning how to move from a life of “doing” to a life of “meaning”
  • Identify 1 or 2 dream ideas that create delight
  • Learn how to hear and act on your own guidance
  • Begin the process of overcoming underDREAMINGTM and answer the question, “what does this knowledge now make possible?”

Making It Happen

Making It Happen Is A One-To-One Or Group Program For People Who:

  • making it happen program seesawHave one or a couple ideas for possible next-steps, but struggle with knowing what to do, planning, implementation, and accountability
  • Want tools, systems, recommendations, and resources for better time management, organization and productivity
  • Want to be part of a like-minded community
  • Want to overcome underDREAMINGTM

Making It Happen Will Help You:

  • Create a plan to dive deeply into your 1 or 2 targeted dreams in an informative, encouraging and enlightening environment
  • Develop a better understanding of yourself and clarify next action step(s)
  • Access and apply your creative muscles
  • Learn new skills, tools, habits and resources
  • Develop friendships with like-minded people and share emotional support
  • Grow with an experienced coach who provides expertise and guidance
  • Change negative patterns and create new empowering habits
  • Re-ignite your own inner guidance radar
  • Continue to overcome underDREAMINGTM, and answer the question, “what does this knowledge now make possible?”

Up And Away

Up And Away Is A One-To-One Or Group Program For People Who:

  • up and away program butterflyHave clarity and a goal, but are stuck, challenged by feelings of fear, as well as confusion with tools, techniques, and organizing systems
  • Want to be part of a like-minded community focused on growing and giving
  • Want to learn to be better entrepreneurs, salespeople, marketers, leaders and team builders
  • Want to cement their legacy and build something
  • Want be part of something meaningful to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others
  • Are ready to overcome underDREAMINGTM and step into their power to make their dream a reality

Up And Away Will Help You:

  • Develop a mutual support network
  • Build skills, knowledge and techniques with a variety of experts
  • Listen and receive acknowledgement
  • Participate in a one-stop resource for learning how to move from a life of “doing” to a life of “meaning”
  • Overcome underDREAMINGTM
  • Reinforce new empowering habits
  • Access your creativity
  • Experience life-elevating coaching to build your powers and gifts
  • Learn methods to maintain your inner knowing and self-empowerment

All of this will be done in a way that’s fully aligned with your integrity and values.

All 3 programs are intensive, challenging and require you to change. Change takes time, knowledge, patience and tenacity. These programs are designed to offer you structure, tools, and guidance, but you must be open, willing, and committed to allow this life-changing experience to unfold.

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us.” -Joseph Campbell

These programs are for doers and changemakers who want to use their gifts to lead a life of meaning and light the way for others.

Click on any of the tabs below to learn more about various aspects of Sandboxology's programs and structure.

A List Of Some Topics That Will Be Covered In One Or All Of The Programs:

Note: this is not a complete list of topics

  1. Underearning and beliefs around money
  2. Resistance
  3. Accountability
  4. Your definition of an inspiring life
  5. Process and value of change / transition
  6. How to build your creativity muscle
  7. Systems for productivity and efficiency
  8. Time management tools
  9. Deep Work
  10. Benefits of failure
  11. Power of Immersion
  12. How to access intuition
  13. Rescue vs. Self-responsibility
  14. Effective communication
  15. Changing or creating constructive habits and patterns of behavior
  16. Exploring belief systems
  17. Managing fear
  18. Nature deficit disorder
  19. Learning to say “no”
  20. Upper Limit
  21. Setting up self-managing systems
  22. Tools and techniques for online work and home office setup
  23. Core desired feelings
  24. Zone of genius
  25. Life balance

Program Structure

  • Online meetings or activities requiring a minimum of 4 hours / week
  • You must be able to access Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram
  • You’ll receive guidance, support and be part of a community
  • What’s Next: Weekly session for 4 months (approximately 4-6 hours / wk)
  • Making It Happen: Weekly session for 3 months (approx.. 4-6 hours/wk)
  • Up and Away: 2 Meetings / month, ongoing mastermind
  • Money back guarantee: If you feel you haven’t received any value within the first 30 days, we’ll be happy to refund your money. Otherwise, you can cancel anytime.
  • Participants will also have first choice for (future) retreat registration at a discounted price.

About Beth Avner, Founder Of Sandboxology

I know what it takes to overcome underDREAMINGTM. As a young woman I was “required” to declare a major in college - I had no idea what I wanted to do, why I was here on earth, or who I was. Nevertheless, I jumped in, declared Education and eventually moved into 3 different career paths and numerous jobs before I finally acted on my inner voice.

Sometimes, it takes a lifetime and sometimes one is lucky and finds herself, her passion and her purpose early in life. The key is growing and giving and staying connected with your inner knowing.

Steve Jobs put it perfectly..."You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path. But the dots can't connect unless you begin walking the path. It's the walking that makes it all possible. Stop worrying about whether you'll get there, or where there really is. It's endless. And that's the best part of all.”

In addition to my own inner work, I have successfully coached individuals and corporate teams to express their power and develop themselves and their organizations. I see my work as a catalyst to empower others to build their own meaningful lives.

For more information about Beth, check out her About Page

While it took me a while to find what makes my heart sing, I’m ready and wanting to share my gifts -Sandboxology is my offer and invitation to you. This is your turn to experience the art of crafting a life you love.

Get Started With Sandboxology

Use the form below to express interest in one or more of our programs. We will follow up with you and provide next steps and pricing information.

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Still Uncertain?

“What if you wake up someday, and you’re 65 and never got your memoir written; or didn’t go swimming in oceans all those years because your thighs were jiggly and you had a nice big comfortable tummy; or you were just so strung out on perfectionism and people-pleasing that you forgot to have a big juicy creative life, of imagination, radical stillness, and staring off into space like when you were a kid? It’s going to break your heart. Don’t let this happen.”

- Anne Lamott

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